Importance of Gratitude and How To Do Practice It?

    Practising gratitude regularly can have a significant impact on your mental and physical well-being. Research has shown that expressing gratitude can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while boosting feelings of happiness and life satisfaction. There are several ways to cultivate gratitude in your life. One effective strategy is to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down things you are thankful for each day. You can also make a habit of expressing gratitude verbally to those around you or through acts of kindness. Taking time to appreciate the good in your life, even during difficult times, can help shift your perspective and improve your overall outlook. By focusing on the…


    How To Deal With Your Mood During Your Period?

    When Aunt Flo decides to stop by it can be such an emotional roller coaster, making you feel mad, angry and frustrated. And if you are someone who doesn’t get affected by PMS, I’m jealous. Of course we all know that having a period is a sign that you are healthy and that your reproductive system is functioning well. But it also comes with some unwanted side effects like; cramps, fatigue and mood swings…does any of these sound familiar? However, there are things that you can do to boost your mood & help to overcome those period mood blues and I’m all about spilling the tea. So let’s dive right…


    4 Important Tips To Reduce Stress In Your Life

    Of course, stress is an inevitable part of our everyday lives, and having a little stress can be a positive thing; by making you motivated and enjoy the thing that you are doing, but on the other hand having too much stress can take a huge toll on your body and mind. So please, remember that your goal shouldn’t be to eliminate stress from your life completely as that is just setting you up for failure, instead find ways that will help to reduce the amount of stress that you have in your life where possible. In today’s blog post, I’ve put together 4 important tips to reduce stress in…