My Goals That I have Set For The Rest Of 2024

It’s currently October and officially pumpkin time, but with only one week left and that it’s November next month, i thought that i would share some of my goals that i would share goals that i’ve set and aim to achieve for the rest of the year.

  • Start christmas shopping – i might seem a little too earlier to be thinking about christmas, but i like to buy a few christmas present here and there. It serious save me fair bit of money, i feel lot more prepared, less stressed, don’t need to impluse buy and actually get ahead of the christmas rush.
  • Get ahead on blog posts – as much as i would love to be ahead on blog post, i’ve never seem to have master it. So this might have to be my goal for next year, but a girl can hope!
  • Go and visit my dad – i haven’t gotten to see my dad since he moved 2.5hrs away.
  • Organised my bedroom a bit more – i don’t a lot of it when i wasn’t working, but now since i’ve gone back working, i haven’t really have the motivation or time to spend an entire day re-organising my clothes.
  • Get back into making handmade earrings and start selling then on my Etsy Store – BonniesCreationsGB
  • Go on more autumn/winter walks – i have a little puppy which is 1.5 years old, which make it a little easier to motivate me to go on more walks.
  • Cook more at home – during the warmer weather, i found myself ordering out alot more, so now that evening are being darker and chillier, i really want to start cooking home cooked meals and spend less money.
  • Make myself have day off work – of course i have days were i’m not working, but really saying to myself that i’m not going to be doing anything like; cleaning, going food shopping or just general boring adult things.
  • Start buying things for christmas day, the big day itself- i don’t mean the big stuff just yet, but i’ll be buying that sort of stuff soon, but the kind of things i want to buy now are the smaller stuff like; peanuts, turkish delight.

I will revist this blog post at the end of 2024 to see how much i will have managed to tick of this goal list.

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