5 Ways To Nail Your Secret Santa This Year
Are you on the hunt for an affordable gift for your pals or co workers? Then i’ve got you covered with a few tips and tricks to take the hassle out of finding the prefect secret santa for this years gift exchange.
It’s never easy finding the prefect secret santa, but during this covid period it’s become even more tricker to achieve an anonymous gift echanges since we haven;t been able to see our besties or our collagues for some classic christmas wish list small task.
Plan ahead:
By planing ahead and getting your secret santa gift exchange sorted out early, makes for much less stress and gives the chronic-procrastinators to pull it out of the bag.
Having a budget and sticking to it might be easier than it may sound. Whilst splashing out £50 on fancy new perfumr may seen like a lot of fun and a great way to wine at secret santa, well part of the fun is hunting for the present, so by having an allocated budget might be a good idea than first thought. Never the less sticking to it is the hardest, and that also same for underspending. Simply, respect the limit. It’s there for a reason, people!
During these crazy covid times, calls for a much needed remote solution! Well, i’ve got you sorted, simply head over to drawnames.co.uk and enter everyones email address who is participing and the program will automatically assign everyone a secret santa name. It’s that quick and easy, also the good thing is that no one will have the chance to pick out themselves. Genuis!
Make the gift family or office – Colleague appropriate
For buying any gifts, remember to read the room and know who your audience, most importantly if your buyng for a co-worker, For example: something that might be a belly laugh for you, may not be funny for someone else. But if you know the person then go ahead and make it funny but still respect the santa boundaries, as by going to risky could end up backfiring and with a letter from HR.
Make it personal
People don’t want to open gifts the coud have been given to anyone. So try to get a secret santa that is tailored to the specific person, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a reference, an inside joke or something that in their favourite colour.
Prepare ahead
Ever wanted to know the key of nailing secret santa….drum roll…..Preperation. Yes, that’s right…Preperation!. By learning to the last minute, your more likely to fluff it up; like forgettin something. After all your local supermarket only has so much. Also, putting effort into you present will show. The aim is to make yourself cry a little at how kind and thoughtful you are.
Shop at small & independent businesses this year:
Now more than ever small, dependent buisnesses need all the support they can get. So where ever possible, look at buying cute jellewery pieces or small little nick nacks from small businesses online ot in store (obviously when there’s no lockdown) It will ensure your gift is original and considered.
In doubt, play safe:
If you draw a name with a colleague that you barely share the same commual fridge milk with and don’t know well? Then be safe and god down the useful , generic route.
Have fun!
The whole point of the hoilday tradition is to have good old fashion festive fun., nothing really brings everyone together unlike secret santa- even if this year will be on zoom!.
Look t their social media for intel:
Mates on social media? look on facebook, instagram, snapchat stories and gather evidence from afar. They might post about their habbies or share post that features somthing they love.
Got any memorable Secret Santa experiences?