How To Make The Most Of February

Okay, so january was complete trash but now we’re into the month of matmatching fun – minus all the ranucos galentine’s brunches – on the plus side, we have panacakes, dry jan long behind us and if you squint hard enough you may be able to make out spring cheery head craving over the lockdown 3.0.

So here’s to making the most of feb or ya know , just to tolerate it and your fair share of breakdowns and pinning your hope on the £40 candle that you’ve been eyeing up becaue that’s where you at RN.

pile of cookies with cinnamon sticks

  • Eat you body weight in pancakes.
  • Honour National Pizza Day the only way you know how, by deep throating a 12 inch of doughiness goodness. 
  • Realising that it’s nearly you one year anniverary of joggers and no bra.
  • Watch yet another serial killer documentary to distract yourself from the doom and gloom.
  • Find yourself alone, naked and eating an orange in the shower.
  • Highly praise yourself for making it through the most bleakest january on record. Both you lips and bank account are all dried up. 
  • Creat an ex-boyfriend collage, sorry what i actually meant by a collage was a dart board. You’ll have hours and hours if fun. 
  • Make a bid on an ugly orthopaedic computer chair…..After three lockdowns, finally putting your posture before pinterest styling.
  • Cook yet another tasteless dinner.
  • Deciding that lent is an energy vampire and that you’ve given enough over the past year, so you ain’t going to be happening. 

two filled drinking glasses

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