10 Things To Make The Most Of December.
December is here! And with christmas 2020 being cancelled, so this year only seems right to be bigger than ever. Does anyone else feel more festive than previous years? So let’s set up camp to watch ‘A Bad Moms Christmas’, with a table spread that can feed a small army.
Here are things you can do during December that will have you feeling all christmasy.
1. Go to a christmas and buy overpriced mulled wine.
2. Open up all your parcels from your black friday splurges.
3. Watch ‘Last christmas’ and talk about how bad and good the film is.
4. Reflect on christmas 2020 and get all emosh but think how great this year will be that we can finally reutine with family and friends. We will take the arguments and all.
5. Try and become more mature adult this year by trying the good old christmas pudding for the 8oooth time, but still that your taste buds haven’t matured since this time last year.
6. Get out your bright red lipstick and wear it daily. Come on, when else will it be acceptable to wear during the daylight hours.
7. Wondering where years of receiving an iTunes gift vonchers have gone, and now realising that you are now in fact…..old!
8. Spending 4 hours deciding watch to wear for christmas day, but ending up wear the comfiest pair of christmas pjs that you own.
9. Accidentally spoiling your recepient serect santa gift after having a few to many bubbly drinks.
10. Camp out on the sofa and watch a marathon of christmas movies. New and old classics.
What will you be doing during the festive period ?