How I Stay Organised….
Organisation is a great of keeping on top of things! I love that feel that you can only get when you start to tick off from your to-do list. I’ve recently started is to try and stick to 5 simple steps, that are easy for to maintain over a long period of time.
I know some of you might be thinking “what’s the point, i’m only going to be getting back in to it again the next night, so why bother”??? but recently, I’ve been really trying to stick with making the bed as soon as i get out. – what a difference it make to the whole room. Other than the bedroom looking nicer, but the fresh feel you can get [just like you get just after changing you bed].
I’m probably the worst at using my time wisely – especially as i often find myself browsing social media a lot, as well as working on this late in the night and then get up early the next morning. So lately I’ve been trying to structure my day a lot better, by spitting my time in a healthier manner and separating my social life and work! – and so far i been working for me. I’m actually quite surprised at how much get done by sticking to a stricted structured.
You might be wondering how sleep has to productive and organisation? But actually if you stay up to late and not have enough can make it ten times harder to concentrate on things, compared to when i get a lot of sleep – one of the main thing that I’ve notice is that i accomplish so much. I can can confidently say that getting enough sleep can make a huge difference.
You’ve probably expected for this to be one of the point mention in this post. Putting together a simple list of the things the you need to get done, is a good way to stay on track throughout the day. I tend to make a to-do list on my phone, as it’s easier for me to tick things off my list…cos lets be honest i never go anywhere without it.
There we go, here are just a few ways that help me to stay organised – if you have any tips that helps you then sent them this way. I would love to know then !