I Have Oily Hair. What Can I Do?

Are you consistently washing your hair? Is your hair oily?  Well, here are a few tips that I used myself that helps me to take care of my hair.

Don’t overly rub your hair when cleaning: Simply rub your head in a circular movements, making your hair healthy as the blood circulation to your hairs roots will be improved. 

Avoid gels, mousse, hairspray: Using hair products such as; hairspray or mousses can actually make your hair more dirty, resulting in having to wash your hair more often.  

Avoid using products containing sulphates: Wanting to achieve clean hair without striping away natural oils? Well, here’s a useful tip that I’ve learnt recently, to achieve healthier hair only use hair products that don’t contain sulphates – as this is a well-known ingredient that aggressively cleans as well as striping away your hairs natural oil. Noughty is a vegan friendly brand that I’m using and loving RN….. also 97% of the ingredients are natural.  

Don’t wash your hair too frequently: Washing your hair too often can cause your hair to look greasy very quickly, in between washes…. a simple tip is to space out your washes out and your hair will stay cleaner for longer! 

Wash your hair in warm water: By washing you hair with warm water it will make your cuticles open up, which will allow grease and hair product residue to be removed. Water that is too hot, can make your cuticles open up too much, ruining you hair over a period of time –  but if the water is too cold doesn’t help either, as your cuticles won’t open up enough for a deep clean!

Don’t consistently touch your hair: It may seem obvious,  but you may be surprised at how many times you will actually touch you hair throughout the day without even realising! Constantly touching your hair will result in it becoming dirty and greasy….. which will lead to you having to clean your hair more often. 

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