10 Overnight Hair and Beauty Tricks
We all need our beauty sleep, but if your someone who is wants to be pampered while they're snoozing, then i've got you covered. Here are 10 easy trips and trick to keep yourself looking your best when you you wake up. From using leave-in conditioner overnight t wake up with luscious lock to tricks for minimizing bag under the eyes.
Foolproof Ways To Battle Winter Hair And Frizz
Let's me tart by saying that frizzy hair isn't something that needs to be fixed, Your natural hair is beautiful just like it should and never shy away from showing it off -wild and wispy baby hair'n' all.
My Everyday Long Hair Routine.
It's been well over a year since i decided that i wanted to grow my hair. The length of my hair is now around 24" long...Yep, 24" - I know right, i haven't really realised how long my hair has become until i've sat down to write this blog post.
L’Oreal Elvive ‘Dream Lengths’ Range.
Finding a shampoo and conditioner for long hair can to be really hard. But recently a new beauty launch has caught my eye.....and this time it's from L'Oreal - they're new Elvive haircare range 'Dream Lengths'. For week now i have been seeing the launch all over social media and i wanted to find out more. Since i have fairly long hair, i thought would go a head and give it a try.
I Have Oily Hair. What Can I Do?
Are you consistently washing your hair? Is your hair oily? Well, here are a few tips that i used myself that helps me to take care of my hair.
Shampoo and Conditioner I Am Currently Using
For many years now, i have try so many hair care products. they have either work but not for very long or haven't worked at all. They have range from low, middle to high-end brands. Since putting highlights in, i have been on the hunt for a shampoo and conditioner that won't completely dry my hair out nor will it moisturiser my hair too much, to were it make's my hair really oily. So here is my thoughts on the shampoo and conditioner that i am currently using.