How To Deal With Your Mood During Your Period?

    When Aunt Flo decides to stop by it can be such an emotional roller coaster, making you feel mad, angry and frustrated. And if you are someone who doesn’t get affected by PMS, I’m jealous. Of course we all know that having a period is a sign that you are healthy and that your reproductive system is functioning well. But it also comes with some unwanted side effects like; cramps, fatigue and mood swings…does any of these sound familiar? However, there are things that you can do to boost your mood & help to overcome those period mood blues and I’m all about spilling the tea. So let’s dive right…


    Mental Health: 5 Reasons Why Is Self-Care So Important?

    Making yourself the top priority is always as easy as you may think it will be. But making yourself the priority, can make you feel positive about yourself and boost your confidence, plus it’s good for your health. Through practising self-care can reduce anxiety, stress, depresssion and make us live a happier life. I’ve put together 5 ways that can help you to practise self-care. Of course, stressful times will happen but it’s also important to have time to take care of yourself. 1. Realise Your Self-Worth This is properly the first major step to practising and realising that you are worthy of having ‘me time’ and that you aren’t…