With results day being this week, i thought it would be a good for me to sit and write a few [‘hopefully’] useful pointers for the best way to prepare for your results day. That could actually change your life fir the near future.

Before i go any further, if you do get the grades that you were hoping for –  then that’s fantastic but if you don’t that’s totally fine too. It might feel like the world is gonna end, but trust me.. it isn’t.  Having top grades isn’t everything. Yeah, sure it may reflect how hard you worked during the duration of your course, but there are alway other opinions and pathways that you can work towards a qualification or dream dream career. There’s always that option to do a apprenticeship – you can get paid and study all at the sometime….BONUS!!!

By opting to take a different pathway could actually end up being the best decision!  You can then push yourself and achieve your true  potential. If your getting you result this week – Good Luck!I would love to know how you did. You can comment down below or dm me.


Hello, my name is Leanne. I love everything about beauty, fashion, and food. I like to share my favourite products with others, whether it’s a new makeup product or a haircare item that I’m currently trying out. Additionally, I recently brought home Bonnie who’s a 6-month-old Shih Tzu puppy that is super playful and completely adorable, and that didn’t make my life busy enough I also had two very boisterous 1-year-old guinea pigs called Echo and Enzo