My Best Traveling Tips
I love to travel. It’s so fun to explore new places and experience new challenges. But don’t get me wrong, i am no expert traveler. I’ve certainly experience my fair share of travel mishaps. So that way I have put together just a few of my top travel tips:
Make a List
About a week or two before i am due to leave to go on holiday, i will sit down and write up a list of things that i don’t want to forget. I also add to the list if i remember something extra.
Take Lots of Photo’s
During my trip, i will make sure to take as may picture as i can’t – it could be a photo of just me or my family sitting or experiencing something new. The quote that i alway go by is ‘every picture has story to tell’.
Check Your Hotel Room
Every time before i am due to check out of my hotel room, i i’ll go round the whole room so i can check and double check, that i haven’t left anything behind…cos i tend to do that quite a lot.
Another little trick that i do is, to write down a list of things that i brought with me, as well add to my list if/when i buy anything during my trip. Then when i come to pack, i will start to tick off once i have pack them either in carry on or my suitcase.
Stay Hydrated Whilst On The Plane
I know it’s very easy to forget to kept yourself hydrated – especially on long flights, but it’s very important. By staying hydrated it can make it easier to get over jet lag much quicker. I really wish i knew of this sooner!
Always Wear Suncream
Applying sun cream is extremely important, and that is why i always make sure to everyday – even it everyday – even when it’s sunny and not hot. Another important thing is, to make sure to re-apply sun cream after 3-4 hours or when after you have been in contact with water such as; being swimming in the pool or sea. [Whatever is sooner.]
Pre-Plan My Outfits
I use to be such a lazy and a last minute packer. And yes i did end up forgetting one or two things – which either be from a t-shirt, trousers to even a pair of shoes. But now since I’ve started to pre-plan my holiday wardrobe, i can now say that I’ve so far not forgotten anything….Yippee!!
Have An Open Mind
Before i visit a new place, i sometimes do find myself having preconception, probably just like a lot of other people do…i mean i can’t just be the only one! – whether it’s to do with how the place is going to look or what sort of shops/attracting this going to be. So on my last holiday, i make sure that kept an open mind. This holiday was probably on of the best holidays that i have had in a long time. The whole trip was so much more fun and exciting. I also made the conscious decision to explore everything that could possible visit and experience during my stay.
Charge All Electronic Devices
Make sure to charge all of you electronic device , cos there is nothing like being bored out you of brain during a flight -especially a long haul flight……so much that everything is charge before you leave. Another is that always have a portable on hand that is charge, just in case there isn’t a plug on hand when i’m out. Also, do remember to pack a travel adapter and make sure it’s the adapter for the country that you are visiting!
So there you have it, there are my top tips which t i stick by every time when i’m traveling. If you love to travel and have any other traveling tips, then i would love to know your ones.