My New Year’s Resolutions – Let’s Kick Off 2022 Right

Firstly, Happy New Year to you all! The excitment or the new year is full swing – all the new promises, aspiring goals and new commitments, now it’s probably the right time to start setting your new year’s resolutions. Here’s to 2022 and my resolutions:

  • Treat you car to regular carwashes.
  • Rearrange your kitchen….again!
  • See how many time you can rewatch your favourite series back to back, in one year without getting bored.
  • She some weight by decluttering.
  • Print & hang pictures.
  • Support local restaurants.
  • Schedule more girl time.
  • Get outside more.
green potted plant
  • Grow your own indoor/outdoor plants.
  • Be kinder to others.
  • Save more into intervestments or savings.
  • Don’t buy things that you don’t need.
  • Talk about yourself with kindness.
  • Write down things that i’m grateful for every night before bed.
  • Stop overloading my plate…Stop multi-tasking.
i love you red square frame

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