So Lazy Days Make Me Feel Reseted Or Unproductive?

    It’s common to view the terms “lazy” or “unproductive” in a negative light. However, if we take a moment to reflect, working five days a week for eight or even twelve hours per day is already a significant amount of work. So why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to complete tasks on our to-do lists before returning to work? Perhaps it’s the result of our own conditioning, leading us to believe that we must complete these tasks before we can consider ourselves productive. However, if we are spending every day off engaging in activities, we never allow our bodies to truly relax and recharge. This often leads…


    Here’s What My Hardest Goals That I’ve Set Myself.

    Establishing personal goals is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and development. It is a process that involves careful thought, planning, and execution. However, achieving these goals is often easier said than done. People tend to give up on their objectives due to several reasons, including boredom, lack of motivation, or a lack of determination to succeed. The level of difficulty that one faces when pursuing their personal goals is subjective and depends on various factors, such as personal circumstances, mental and emotional health, and the amount of support received from others. Personal circumstances play a crucial role in determining the level of difficulty that one encounters when pursuing their…


    Feeling Lost? 10 Ways To Break Free And Move Forward In Life.

    At some point in our lives, we will have feelings of becoming stuck in a life that isn’t how we pictured it – maybe it’s because of your unfulfilling job, an unhappy relationship, or a general sense of feeling out of place/indifference. So I thought I would write in today’s blog post about 10 ways to break free and move forward in life. As we go through life, a lot of the time we tend to run on autopilot without even realising or just going through the motions, then these are commonly the reasons why we often feel emotionally stuck and never feel like we are the only ones who…