Four Tips To Create A Blogging Schedule.
HIYA! Do you have a blogging schedule? Or is blogging something you fit around other things? If your wanting blogging to become your full-time job, then having a blogging schedule is a must have.
Why is a Blogging Schedule Important?
Whether you post one, two or three blogs a week, having a blogging schedule can come in handy, especially when planing new blogs and regularly posting new content.
Make a Plan.
Before your blog can become successful….the number one thing you need to do is to think about why are wanting to blog? What is your interests?
How Often Should New Content Be Posted?
The key to having a successful blog is to consistently post new content – but this can only be done if you’ve already decided the direction you want to take your blog. You will then need to plan what topics you are going to writing about, ahead of time. Another important thing is to remember to make sure that your schedule is achievable for you….so if your missing posting new blogs here and there then eventually you will lose your motivation and before you know it you’ve stopped creating new content altogether!
Set Daily Goals.
Once you have created a blogging schedule – whether its a weekly or a monthly….as long as it works for you and you have the ability to meet your goals! Also, make sure not to leave all the writing to the last minute (i.e. the night before you have scheduled it to be posted). I find an easy way is to write a little bit every day and never stop! But still allow yourself some time to think about what you are going to write, as want it to be easy to read and understand. By writing regularly and posting blogs will eventually become a part of your life.
Keeping The Motivation Going.
The two things that I find to be the hardest about blogging is planning and writing the content. So you now might be wondering ‘how did I start?’ Well, the answer is simple I first wrote down things that I love and use myself – whether it’s travelling, makeup products or lifestyle topics. Then I started writing and do little bits each day – I found this to be the best way for me to not to get bored! One of my first posts is about ‘My New Make Up Purchases From Superdrug’- cos if anyone knows me, I really enjoy trying out new brands and products.
So whether blogging is a hobby or is your full-time job, make sure to enjoy and only create content that you absolutely love yourself.