Tips For Nervous Flyers
Here’s tips that can help nervous flyers. As holidays can be extremely stressful, even before your flight. But being nervous about flying – traveling can be even more stressful! – this could end up making your holiday much less enjoyable.
Whether your flight is short or a long haul flight – distractions are GREAT! Kept yourself busy either by reading your favourite book/eBook or doing a puzzle book. Also make sue to take every electronic device that you own – Laptops, Ipads, Mobile Phones, kindle, etc and download your favourite music, TV series or movies. Don’t rely only on the airplane entertainment systems.
Once you have found your seats and put away you hand luggage, either press the ‘Assistance ‘ button or if it’s safe and the seat belt sign is off, then just walk up to a flight attendant and give them the heads up that your a nervous flyer – they will be more than happy to make sure that your okay as well as reassuring you throughout the flight.
When your waiting for you flight, why not look out of the window in the waiting area and see how many planes take off and land. Just think, there are hundred and hundreds of flight everyday so your flight is going to be okay. I know it may not always be as easy as it sounds but the best thing you can do before a flight is prepare yourself and keep yourself calm.
Always arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours before your flight. It’s also a good way to keep yourself calm – especially if your a nervous flyer. You won’t have to get all flustered nor would you have to run thorough the airport. [I’ve done this on a number of occasions]. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good for the exercise but isn’t so good for your anxiety.
So there you have it., a few tips that i hope will help with nerves, when your flying. If your a nervous flyer and use other techniques that haven’t been meant in this post, then please tell what has worked for you. I would love to know.