4 Bathroom Storage Mistakes (And Ways To Fix Them)

When I come to figuring out the best way to utiles the space for usable storage in your bathroom can be fairly tricky, but if you do it right and make every part of your space usable then it can help to make your bathroom look cleaner and fewer items around the sink or on the counter. Here are a few bathroom storage mistakes, and I’ve always added some ways to fix them too!

Not making use of wall space

Don’t have alot of storage in your bathroom, but fair amount of wall space…well, hidden medicine cabinets are a great way to store your daily used skincare items – keeping alot of products off the counter or sink area (also helps to keep everything look cleaner), plus you have no idea that it’s storing so much!

Not utilising shelves for storage

Don’t worry if you don’t have a small shelf in your bathroom beacuse it’s not uncommon, but usually if there is a small shelf then it more commonly used for more decorative item instead of for items that you actually use. If your wanting to keep your bathroom look clean and tidy, with minimal effect then they key is to maximise you usuable space (i.e. shelf) with a mix of decorative items and items that you actually use.

Not having enough basket and segmented bins

Basically, measure every space that you are wanting to put a storage container in – drawers, cupboards, under the sink, a shelf in your coffee table – and then buy a bunch of different-sized containers and play around to find a configuration that will work best for you and your space, as well as everything that you are wanting to store. If you have any used containers left over then simply return them back to the store.

Not keeping my most used items handy

This is probably one of the most annoying mistakes that I make on a daily and you’ll even know right away if you make the same mistakes too! Isn’t it annoying when you are getting ready for the day or taking off make-up in the evening (like washing your face) it’s always frustrating when you have to dig that one, two or even three products out of the back of your cupboard (or in your wash bag) to find what you a currently using. So why not keep it in a place where you have easy access to it – like a makeup organiser, decorative storage bin or a small vanity organiser.

If you have any other must-have items that haven’t been mentioned in today’s blog post, feel free to let me know in the comments! I hope this little organising post will also help you get off to a good start. xx

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