25 Beauty Blog Post Ideas
Lately i have been sharing blog post idea and today’s post no different. I love anything beauty, so i wanted to share 25 beauty blog post ideas..so hopefully this will help to inspire future posts.
Here are a few blog ideas….
- What products are you currently using?
- What products have you tired lately? and you hated?
- Travel beauty essentials.
- How do you style your hair everyday?
- Your skincare routine.
- Your favourite product for the month.
- Have you tired any popular products? Were they worth the hype?
- Everyday makeup routine.
- Hauls from different stores or brands.
- Beauty lessons or tips that you swear by.
- Favourite scent for the season.
- Beauty wish list.
- Your lazy day/weekend essentials.
- Your evening pamper essentials.
- Drugstore product that’s worth checking out.
- What makeup or beauty mistakes did you used to make? and how did you fix them?
- Beauty tips for a teenage or someone just starting out with makeup.
- Beauty bits not usually talked about [dental hygiene,what’s in your shower, beauty items in your purse other than make up bag, etc.]
- Best products for your hair type.
- Nail polish picks for the season.
- Compare two similar beauty products.
- your favourite hair styling tools
- your favorite self-tanning products.
- Make up trends you love.
- Make up trends you hate.